Flexible design systems and a living identity offers the establishment of a brand that allows for growth, expresses diversity and creates the impression of a dynamic, evolving, modern organization, such as the IDeA Foundation, that addresses big problems with smart solutions.
The IDeA Foundation logo consists of the main logo and six alternate logos representing the seven key principles in the selection and implementation of projects.
The IDeA Foundation mark showcases the organization’s dynamism and unconventional voice by having seven different “states.” The IDeA Foundation Red, Orange, Blue and Purple are to be used interchangeably within all of IDeA Foundation’s projects. No one color should be used to identify any one project.
Each project needs to all of the colors with equal balance. With our modern age of fast image consumption, instantaneous information exchange and constant re-imagination of what is considered a ‘norm’, a dynamic logo offers the ability to shift, adapt and transform with the modes of our times remaining relevant at every level.