Lerner Hayreni (Լեռներ Հայրենի) is an illustrated songbook that follows the lyrics of the song "Lerner hayreni" (or “Homeland Mountains”) as it takes the reader through the diverse landscapes and cultural markers of Armenia. The book will serve as accompanying material to a recording of the song by Armenian American singer Tro Krikorian.
One of the goals with this songbook was to show Armenian landscapes/environments to Armenian children living in the diaspora who may be disconnected from their homeland, and to aid them in starting to build a relationship with the people and places of Armenia.
The visuals are inspired by Armenian culture, villages and mountains. The reader follows the adventures of the main character, seeing through their eyes and traveling along with the lyrics.

The illustrations are continuous over time and space in each spread, with the mountains and hills merging when the reader turns the page, and the color palettes shifting from day to night.

The type in the book is hand drawn to feel organic and playful.

In addition to the book illustration, we were asked to design a logo for the series, titled Yerkbook, in anticipation of future sing-a-long books that will be published within the same context. “Yerkbook” translates to 'book of songs' in Armenian. Because the series is intended for children, the logo is playful and colorful, with the two ‘o’s in “Yerkbook” shaped to resemble musical notes.

Creative direction: Peno Mishoyan
Design and illustration: Veronica Melik-Mouradyan, Gayane Kaprielyan & Araz Bogharian
Website design: Khachig Charshafjian & Anush Matinyan